First Certified Media Outlet : Village Media

The Ontario Living Wage Network (OLWN) is pleased to announce that Village Media has become a certified living wage employer with employees at all outlets in Ontario earning at least the local living wage where available. They are the first media outlet to become a living wage employer in Ontario, and the first certified employer in Sault Ste. Marie where they are headquartered.

Village Media is a network of local news and information websites that began providing digital news and community content to the Sault Ste. Marie region almost 20 years ago. They have now grown to include 20 owned and operated sites and license their custom content management system to respected news publishers across Canada, in the United States and in the United Kingdom. CEO Jeff Elgie explains why they chose to certify:

"As a company that prides itself on being an innovator, we are thrilled to be the first media company in the province and the first company in Sault Ste. Marie to be certified as an Ontario Living Wage Employer and recognized as a living wage Champion."

Living wage rates are calculated by local advocates and OLWN staff using a common methodology to show how much a household—two adults working full time supporting two small children—must earn per hour in order to make ends meet and enjoy modest participation in their civic and cultural community. There are 29 local calculations, and a full listing can be found here.

"We strive to strengthen the communities we serve through everything we do and that most certainly includes supporting our dedicated employees through fair pay and investing in a healthy and successful workforce in our community," Elgie added.

"The OLWN is pleased to welcome Village Media to the list of over 380 certified living wage employers in Ontario. It is fantastic to see employers implement changes to ensure employees are earning a steady and reliable living wage. Paying a living wage is a tremendous expression of respect for individual workers, their families, and the communities where they live" says Anne Coleman, Program Manager of the OLWN.

Employers who are interested in becoming Living Wage certified can begin the process at our employer signup.


Michael Purvis, Village Media's Managing Editor

Showing 2 reactions

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  • vangie
    commented 2021-05-28 02:58:11 -0400
    Good luck trying to pay for an apartment , own a car or house .. and possibly a vacation once a year on that wage.. :)
  • Craig Pickthorne
    published this page in News 2021-05-26 09:54:22 -0400
