Josie Rudderham and Nicole Miller of Cake and Loaf Bakery. The bakery is among 30 organizations in Hamilton that have recognized the importance of paying a living wage. Bishops Douglas Crosby and Michael Bird argue living wage is about dignity and well-being. - Photo by Tamara Kate Photography
by Bishop Douglas Crosby and Bishop Michael Bird - Hamilton Spectator
"Money isn't the bottom line for everything, people are the bottom line for everything," said a participant at the recent Social Audit conducted in Hamilton.
We couldn't agree more. As a society we are called to care for the dignity and well-being of all our citizens. Yet more than 29,000 Hamiltonians go to work but do not earn enough at their jobs to move out of poverty.
This reality must spur us to action. At a time when many seek to sow division and discord, paying living wages is an act of justice and inclusion.
As bishops we have had the privilege of hearing many stories from Hamiltonians and it's abundantly clear that no one chooses to live in poverty.
Read full story here.
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