St. Thomas-Elgin Releases Updated Number


After yesterday's provincial government announcement of the increase to the minimum wage to $15 over the next few years, everyone is talking about the value of #decentwork.

So with a great sense of timing the living wage community of St. Thomas-Elgin has released it's latest calculation at $16.03. This is the hourly rate needed for two income earners, working 37.5 hours per week year round to support a family of four with two children aged 3 and 7.

One storyline not to be missed here is the impact of the Canada Child Benefit. Not present for the last calculation in 2015, this federal program lowered the cost of raising children in 2017. And so the living wage for St. Thomas-Elgin is $0.44 per hour lower. The living wage is a live calculation, and it demonstrates the value of public services.

The Living Wage for St. Thomas-Elgin is calculated to reflect the current reality and build awareness about the true cost to live and participate in our communities.

LivingWageBrochure-2017-final-web_Page_1-768x994.jpg  LivingWageFullReport_Page_01-620x802.png

Click to view the PDF report and brochure from Living Wage St. Thomas-Elgin.

For any questions and inquiries, please contact:

Kellie Coelho

519-631-9800 ext. 238

[email protected]


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