Just Like Family Home Care Oakville

Certified Living Wage Employer

Whether you’re considering Just Like Family for yourself or for a loved one, you need to feel comfortable with who we are – our values, or priorities, and our character.

We care deeply about respecting people’s need for independence and stability as they age. By offering support to meet physical and emotional needs, home care plays a critical role in improving quality of life, and in preserving dignity. These are things we think about at this stage in our own lives, and we want the same things you do. We want to feel secure, to retain a sense of control, and to stay connected to the things that make us who we are.

Though the care we offer caters to our client’s unique, individual needs, we see its impact on a larger scale. We love the idea of granting loved ones the peace of mind that comes from knowing their senior is being tended to and is in good hands. If providing that care yourself leaves you exhausted, torn in too many directions, or is just impossible, your well-being is affected, as well. We’d like you to make the most of these years, and we see the freedom to enjoy your parents without complication as a gift you can give yourself.

We know that this is a big decision. Having someone to talk to about your fears, and to answer your questions can help solidify your priorities and that’s a conversation we would be honoured to have with you. An in-home (or virtual) consultation is a great starting point. There’s no cost, and no commitment, just an opportunity to get to know us better, and have your questions answered. We’ll meet you when it’s convenient for you – day, evening, weekend.

