Fifteen Employers for $15 Minimum Wage

Today fifteen certified living wage employers signed, sealed and delivered a letter to Premier Wynne, the leader of the Official Opposition Mr. Brown, and Leader of the NDP Ms. Horwarth. 

The letter urges Ontario to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour with annual cost-of-living increases for workers. 

Until recently, any discussion about raising the minimum wage included business leaders and pundits speculating about job loss and other unproven effects on the markets. 

But something is shifting. More often we are hearing from responsible business leaders who see the value in paying a decent wage.

Please share this page far and wide. We need to prove to our political leadership that Ontario is ready to do better. 


Download the PDF here...


May 29, 2017


The Honourable Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario

Mr Patrick Brown, MPP (Simcoe North) Leader, Official Opposition

Ms. Andrea Horwarth, MPP (Hamilton Centre) Leader of New Democratic Party of Ontario

Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1


Dear Premier Wynne, Mr. Brown, Ms. Horwarth,


Today in Ontario, more than 1.8 million workers earn less than $15/hour. Many workers are not earning enough at their jobs to meet basic needs such as rent, food and utilities. These workers often need to cobble together multiple jobs and don't have time to spend with family or participate in community activities. The health and wellness of low-wage workers is often adversely affected by the stress of working poverty.

Ontario can do better!

As fifteen local business owners in Ontario, we believe paying employees a living wage is good for the bottom line of our business and good for society. Higher wages mean less absenteeism, less sick time, a reduction in turnover and greater productivity. When employees earn more, that's money spent locally on goods and services in the community which helps drive the economy and creates jobs. That's why we've voluntarily committed to pay a living wage within our businesses; we're encouraging others to do the same.

We support a $15/hour minimum wage with annual cost-of-living increases as a wage floor for workers. Not only is a $15 minimum wage the right thing to do, it just makes economic sense.


Helmi Ansari

Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer

Grosche International


Laura Babcock


Powergroup Communications


Trent Bauman

Project Manager/Designer

Menno S. Martin Contractor Limited


Mark Chamberlin


PV Labs Ltd.


Jeff Martin


Quorum Communications


Nicolle Morton


Wise & Hammer


Roz Mugford


Double Barrel Studios


Dan Peace


Dominion Pattern Works


Josie Rudderham


Cake and Loaf Bakery


Jacqui and Tim Schmucker


Fresh From The Farm


Tim Simmons


Heritage Weddings


Damin Starr


Pre-Line Processing


Paul Terpstra


Mōtis Inc.


Noel Jones


Westdale machine Company


Brent Zorgdrager

Chief Executive Officer

Kindred Credit Union










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