chaitanya Kalevar endorsed 2018-11-11 20:14:15 -0500Living wage with low Carbon & Uranium footprint please.
Individual/Organization Pledge
Pledge your support:
I support the OLWN in its vision that Ontario be a province where full-time paid employment provides decent work, a pathway out of poverty and enough income to participate in community for all workers.
I will show my support by:
Sharing the message of the benefits of paying a living wage for workers, employers and communities.
Purchasing goods and services from certified living wage employers when possible.
Encouraging employers to connect with the Ontario Living Wage Network for details on the Employer Certification Program.
Elected Living Wage Supporters
Low Wage work hurts families and undermines the local economy.
The rapid rise of low wage jobs is a growing concern in Ontario communities. Many of us no longer earn enough at our jobs to make ends meet. We face impossible choices. Buy food or paying the rent? Heat the apartment or fix the car? Growing numbers of us face spirally debt and constant anxiety about the future. More of us have long term health problems.
In Ontario nearly 1.7 million workers work at lower paid jobs.There is a solution. It’s a Living Wage.
Over 170 employers across the province have made the commitment to pay their employees at least a living wage. More and more individuals, community groups, employers and politicians are showing their support for the living wage. We are asking every candidate in the 2018 Municipal Elections across Ontario to support the living wage movement in the province.
Municipalities hold a key to solving poverty by paying a living wage Municipal governments are anchor institutions in communities and have an opportunity to influence other employer organizations to do the right thing.
Cities of the 21st century must stand for fairness and equality. And not just in words, but with wages.
Please indicate you seat and ward/region in the comment section so visitors know where you are running. ENDORSEMENTS MADE WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION CANNOT BE MAPPED.
Should I be elected to public office, I pledge to advocate for our public sector employers to become certified Living Wage employers.