Kindred Credit Union, More Than Just a Living Wage Employer...


I am pleased to announce the continued support of the Kindred Credit Union to the Ontario Living Wage Network. Not only is this financial institution a living wage employer, they are now leading the way by funding our first ever Employer Program Manager in order to extend the reach of this important initiative

Since we first started the Ontario Living Wage Network in 2014, our core mission has been to help businesses and organizations become certified living wage employers. Every business and organization is different and the process can take several months, but it is always gratifying to present the plaque and decals to the proud and latest certified living wage employers. 

Until now it has been a side-of-the-desk type job. The dedicated people across the province who make up the OLWN all have positions and responsibilities at other organizations. We take time from those commitments to travel to communities, organize launches and do the work of the OLWN.

Happily, processing the influx of requests and inquiries from prospective living wage employers is so great the need for an Employer Program Manager has become clear. Anne Coleman, who has experience with the Waterloo Region LW program, will be dedicating one full day a week making sure all employers are engaged and the communities have the support they need. 

The introduction of an Employer Program Manager is a significant step and extending the work and influence of OLWN wouldn’t be possible without Kindred Credit Union and their commitment to the values of decent work and community building. 

Thank you.



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