Hamilton's Own Isabella Daley in a Star Living Wage Story

Isabella Daley works three part-time jobs to make ends meet.  (NICK KOZAK / SPECIAL TO THE TORONTO STAR)  

Isabella Daley had to borrow $169 from a friend last fall after she broke her ankle. She couldn’t afford an air cast.

Without it, she would have needed more days off work — all unpaid — making it harder than it already was to make it through the month. She’s been in worse situations, though. Not much compares to the pain she felt in 2005 when her 22-year-old son died.

“I didn’t have the money to bury him and why would I? I didn’t have insurance on my kid,” Daley said. “I didn’t have any savings. Who saves for their kid’s funeral?”

She managed, but only with donations from people she’d never met.

Today, Daley, who lives in Hamilton, works three part-time jobs trying to make ends meet. Still she only earned about $15,000 last year, she said.

Read the full story here.

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